
Jc h2 Maths:
I am struggling in lectures and tutorials

a level jc h2 maths lecture struggles

How to fix this

Like how Mr Wu conducts a H2 maths class, let’s break down the problem and then understand

  • why they happen
  • ways to fix (free vs paid)

1) Problem: Lecturer is teaching too fast


the reason is actually 2-fold

  • you, the student, are not familiar with the topic (most H2 maths topics are new)
  • the lecturer has YEARS of experience, and has already forgotten what new students struggle with

1) Solutions: free and paid


reduce the gap in experience

  • read up on H2 maths notes before attending lecture
  • consult with seniors, because they can sympathise with your struggles/challenges.


find somebody experienced with this problem and has solved it before, i.e. a JC H2 maths tutor

  • look for someone who has established teaching credentials
  • has trial lessons available OR puts up sample lessons on youtube
  • see if their teaching style suits you
  • is patient and willing to invest time in you understanding the topic

here’s how Mr Wu can help:

2) Problem: I don’t understand my lecturer/tutor.


the why is actually not important here.. 

there are, however, a variety of factors

1) lecturer/tutor speaks too fast
2) lecturer/tutor doesn’t go through in detail and goes through very fast
3) the examples in lecture/tutorials are confusing

the takeaway here is: the fault may not lie in you!

2) Solutions: free and paid


learn from someone else by:

  • search for youtube videos on H2 maths
    (it sounds unfair, but if you can’t understand, the onus is on you to find out!)
  • consult with tutors/seniors (those that suit your learning style)


find a tutor who can

  • teach the same concept from different perspectives
    (see quote from a famous mathematician here)
    different perspectives of the same problem can help you visualise much better!

here’s how Mr Wu can help:

3) Problem: I’m struggling with almost every example/question in lecture/tutorial


Learning and applying a new concept is difficult. Let me explain with an example.

To climb a mountain you need to move 

  • your hands, 
  • then your legs, 
  • then your hands, 
  • then your legs…

To improve your problem solving, you need to 

  • practice questions, 
  • then revise concept,
  • then practice questions,
  • then revise concept…

3) Solutions: free and paid


after attempting your tutorial

  • read through your notes
  • pretend you are the one giving the lecture, how far can you go without looking at the notes?
  • re-attempt your tutorial (yes, sighhh)
  • if you are brave enough, seek fellow students who need help and teach them
    (this will really test your mastery of concept)
  • do more questions..


find a tutor whose

  • practice questions are structured, preferably a gradually increasing level of difficulty 

here’s how Mr Wu can help:

There you go! Remember, you have what it takes!

believe in yourself, let's do well for H2 Math together!

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